West Java Lyot’s delicious rice recipe
The recipe for Liwet rice is typical of West Java is followed after today . not without reason, this recipe tastes distinctive with an unacceptable spare if you happen to visit West Java, of course this is a very mandatory dish to try.
West Java Leyot rice has a different taste than lyot rice in other regions. In addition to being densely packed with spices, this sunny stud rice has special features. Among them is lalapan.
Most Sundanese who live in West Java are accustomed to consuming raw vegetables while eating. It is also true that cooking rice liwet dishes. In fact, the raw vegetables that are placed in this lyot rice are much more complete.
Not only that, there are other minnows, often combined with this west Java rice recipe. Among them are themes and fried tofu, fried cabbage, fried chicken, eggs, salted fish, Ankoy fish and the most compulsory of which is the gong ensemble.
Things to prepare before making Lyot Sundan rice
At this early stage, of course, the first thing you need to do is get ready for the equipment, speaking of lyot rice , you actually have to cook it using sundance-style Howe.
However, because preparing this hawu is not easy, you can also make liwet rice using mejikom or a regular stomach.
In addition, you also have to prepare the ingredients needed to make your liwet rice. it’s easy because these ingredients are not at all difficult for you to find just looking for it in the nearest booth in the respective areas.
If the ingredients are ready, then you just need to prepare the other equipment needed. Then we can continue to discuss the recipe for this typical West Java liwet rice next.
Ingredients in the manufacture of lyot rice
The materials needed to make this liwet rice are not too complicated. But what makes it crowded is another variety of complementary menus that are usually served at the time of your event. What are the ingredients? Check out the description below:
- Rice 500 g
- Doll 7 Clove Skin Cleaning
- Bay leaves 4 pieces, washing thoroughly
- Lemon 4 wood as flavoring, geprek to release smell of smell
- Salt to taste
- Saltfish or 150g fish
- Clean water 1200 ml
Make sure all ingredients are in a clean and hygienic state. If you prepare these ingredients completely, then we just have to do the process of making this West Java liwet rice recipe of your own.
How do I get Sondan Lyot Rice
If you have prepared the ingredients , we can continue to the production stage in making each dish, the first thing that should be considered is the cleanliness of the ingredients to process, basically eating is an energy source for us to do the activity.
In addition to materials, also make sure all equipment is in sanitary conditions. If you have confirmed the two things listed above, the next process is to follow the steps below:
- Wash the rice you have prepared to clean thoroughly, put it in the pot of the right size (if using a furnace or furnace)
- If you want to use mejikom, of course rice is also included in the mejikom with the right size.
- Add water to rice with 1.5 or 2 fingers.
- Put all season pre-prepared in rice
- Mix thoroughly
- Turn on your grill or myjikom for 45 minutes.
- After being cooked, remove from the heat and pour instead of rice.
If Sandney usually pours this rice into banana leaves to maximize the dominance, so the aroma of the rice fragrance is blown with a fresh banana leaf aroma. This increases your appetite.
Using the ingredient combination as described above, liwet rice is more or less enough for a medium portion for 7 people. However, in order to maximize taste, it is also necessary to choose a complementary dish to other West Java liwet rice recipes .
West Java Lyot rice supplement menu
Of course, there are many west Java lyot rice supplement menus that you can choose from at this time. However, there are several menus among them that are considered mandatory menus. Of course, you don’t have to taste the doubt .
Especially if consumed with liwet rice that is still hot. Of course, the taste will be much tastier. so what are the complementary minnows for the rice recipe west of Java, right off the bed, the choice is here?
- Fried
The first dish you can choose as a supplement is fried, and this minoo has an unmisty taste, and the nutritional content is also plentiful, and this minut is perfect for you to serve with lyot rice.
- Block 1 Tempe, according to size according to your individual sliced taste
- Cooking oil to taste
- Garlic 2 cloves
- Teaspoon salt
- Gechens teaspoon
- To the taste of chicken soup
- Air
How to:
- Mix all the spices you have prepared , purée first and then stir with enough water.
- Soak the slices of Tampa where they drink. Let it stand for about 10 minutes. Evacuate one by one.
- Heat the cooking oil, fry the tempeh you sliced until yellow and
- Fried chicken
In addition to the fried dish, fried chicken can also be a complementary dish to the West Java Lyot rice recipe that you can choose from to produce it, you can follow the explanation below:
- 500 gr chicken meat, cut into size according to individual taste.
- Cooking oil to taste
Good season ingredients:
- 1 teaspoon salt
- To the boiled taste of powdered chicken
- Gechens teaspoon
- 2-piece walnut
- Garlic 3 cloves
- 4 cm
How to:
- Wash chicken nuggets that you prepare
- Purée all the spices, then fry over medium heat until a new fragrance is released
- Add clean water to stir-fry the spice you’re
- Stir in the chicken meat in the frying
- Open the chicken and changi meat for 15 minutes to brew.
- When finished, fry one by one until the chicken meat is whipped.
- Serve when you’re finished.
- Ensemble Gong
Another complementary menu dish for West Javan Lyot gum rice recipes is this dish is considered a mandatory dish. how easy it is, follow the steps below to make completion.
- Cayenne chili 10 single pieces
- Garlic 1 pub, clean the shell
- 1 internode, scaly skin
- Salt to taste
- Hot Oil
How to:
- Combine all ingredients, until it resembles chili sauce. It doesn’t have to be too delicate , just set it to taste.
- Heat the pre-prepared cooking oil. When heated, sprinkle it over the chilli sauce you made. We guarantee that the taste will come out very much if in the rough slow I’m onlyleft.
To maximize the result, be sure to follow all the steps we have described above in order. Do it wrong or cancel in doing so. If you do so well, of course, the taste of the West Java lyot rice recipe and its complementary menu will be maximized.